Topics Sega, Sega Naomi Language English. Not sure where you got the arguing and banning from, even the jelos team commented earlier. Ports, Pico-8 and Missing Bios and Emulators on 353p with JelOS.
zip all your asked files must be missing in it.

Arkos Imdefinitely gives you more access to controls and settings. and should work with any Linux device running JELOS. Everything else seems to be working fine. In-game though you'll have to go to Retroarch -> settings -> input -> port 1 controls and change it to that controller instead of retrogamepad for it to work in games. Note: Windows activation: The first time you start up, you will enter the welcome interface.
1) make sure your PSP iso's are in thier own dedicated folder. You need to put the bios files in the bios folder on the second SD card. To find the specific folders, file types, and required BIOS files for each emulator, check out this handy Emulator Cheatsheet or refer to the individual emulator’s page on the EmuDeck wiki.

Only libretro cores allow to use compressed roms on. This should prepare the games card with the proper folders. org or join us on Discord: update) via SSH, SMB etc. I wish they’d bring back PCSX rearmed or there’s a way to manually put it back. Finally received it after almost 2 weeks.